We offer free advice and support here
FAQ. Why do we do this for free.
Going to court.
Advice, the family court
courses and other recources
childrens law.
children in care & leaving care
Social services want to put my child in care!
SAR making a subject access request
Can children appoint their own solicitor
Litigant in person
Can I get legal aid?
Making an application to the family court.
Parenting assessments
A place For Dads.
When your case is in the family court.
costs for applications to the family court
Parents with mental health issues.
Domestic violence
IDVAs and ISVA Guidance
How to apply for a Non -Molestation order
Ex Parte Non-Molestation orders.
psychological assessments
Cross examination.
False memory in children
Applying for a court transcript.
Enforcing a penal notice.
How to appeal at the same court (if you had a district judge)
how to appeal (at the court of appeal)
Evidence and service of evidence
How to discharge a care order.
discharge of Care order plan template
Discharging an SGO
Interim care orders.
Child arrangements orders
Child enforcement orders
parenting plans
specific Issue orders
emergency hearings
Emergency protection orders
Family assistance or shared care order.
changing a child's sirname.
Grandparent's rights
SGO special guardianship orders.
contact with an adopted child.
Step parent's supporting a parent.
Looked after child reviews. (LAC reviews)
differnt hearings at the family court
sections 7/ 8/ 17/ 37 /39 /47
Emergency hearings (sec 47)
Talking to your child
Mental health & family law
Dysfunctional families and how to overcome them/
Adverse childhood experiences.
Parental alienation.
child arrangements programme
The book of equality and human rights
CAFCASS what you need to know
what it is like to bring up a child like Nick, by Catherine love
Learning disabilities & Autism FII Allegations.
The Oliver McGowan Manditory training
Advisory notice a change in all orders in the family court.
Capacity of a child to make decisions
Campaign to remove DNR from medical notes of autistic and learning difficulties
Challenging behavior.
special needs
Harm to children caused by removal
The drama relationship triangle.
Lifelong links
More success stories and the law used
How to complain about a social worker
Appealing a child protection confrence decision
Childrens act 1989 Legislation
criminal court and the family court differences
removal of children, more abuse
psychological damage done to children
False allegations
Time off Work
jurisdiction including DeprivationOfLibertyL.
HOW TO TALK TO CPS (Blog post)
shared residency cases
CAFCASS a parent's point of view.
social worker's ethics.
your human right to family life
The human rights act
Deprivation of Liberty act safeguarding
Disablility legal and finance
Disabled children and families
Advocates and disability rights
Death of a baby or child.
interesting articles.
Citizens advice
Health and proffessionals care tribunals.
reversal of residency cases
parental alienation cases
Leave to remove a child from the UK
Parental abduction (UK)
International child abduction
Transparency of family proceedings
Important emergency Links
Formal letter template complaint against solicitor
How to write a declaration of facts
preparing your bundle for court
Dr Ludwig Lowenstein P.A.S. expert in the courts
Financial remedies, (NEW)
Parents photos.
worthy causes
scott schedule
statement templates
making a contact plan agreement
oppose/revoke adoption template suggestions
useful files to be used in court
successful cases (case law)
New review on supevision orders
Notable interesting cases
The united nations tells the UK to reduce children in care
Blog posts about spirituality
Catherines personal blog
REOURCES. family court information
We offer free advice and support here
FAQ. Why do we do this for free.
Going to court.
Advice, the family court
courses and other recources
childrens law.
children in care & leaving care
Social services want to put my child in care!
SAR making a subject access request
Can children appoint their own solicitor
Litigant in person
Can I get legal aid?
Making an application to the family court.
Parenting assessments
A place For Dads.
When your case is in the family court.
costs for applications to the family court
Parents with mental health issues.
Domestic violence
IDVAs and ISVA Guidance
How to apply for a Non -Molestation order
Ex Parte Non-Molestation orders.
psychological assessments
Cross examination.
False memory in children
Applying for a court transcript.
Enforcing a penal notice.
How to appeal at the same court (if you had a district judge)
how to appeal (at the court of appeal)
Evidence and service of evidence
How to discharge a care order.
discharge of Care order plan template
Discharging an SGO
Interim care orders.
Child arrangements orders
Child enforcement orders
parenting plans
specific Issue orders
emergency hearings
Emergency protection orders
Family assistance or shared care order.
changing a child's sirname.
Grandparent's rights
SGO special guardianship orders.
contact with an adopted child.
Step parent's supporting a parent.
Looked after child reviews. (LAC reviews)
differnt hearings at the family court
sections 7/ 8/ 17/ 37 /39 /47
Emergency hearings (sec 47)
Talking to your child
Mental health & family law
Dysfunctional families and how to overcome them/
Adverse childhood experiences.
Parental alienation.
child arrangements programme
For families dealing with social services and family courts
The book of equality and human rights
CAFCASS what you need to know
what it is like to bring up a child like Nick, by Catherine love
Learning disabilities & Autism FII Allegations.
The Oliver McGowan Manditory training
Advisory notice a change in all orders in the family court.
Capacity of a child to make decisions
Campaign to remove DNR from medical notes of autistic and learning difficulties
Challenging behavior.
special needs
Harm to children caused by removal
The drama relationship triangle.
Lifelong links
More success stories and the law used
How to complain about a social worker
Appealing a child protection confrence decision
Childrens act 1989 Legislation
criminal court and the family court differences
removal of children, more abuse
psychological damage done to children
False allegations
Time off Work
jurisdiction including DeprivationOfLibertyL.
HOW TO TALK TO CPS (Blog post)
shared residency cases
CAFCASS a parent's point of view.
social worker's ethics.
your human right to family life
The human rights act
Deprivation of Liberty act safeguarding
Disablility legal and finance
Disabled children and families
Advocates and disability rights
Death of a baby or child.
interesting articles.
Citizens advice
Health and proffessionals care tribunals.
reversal of residency cases
parental alienation cases
Leave to remove a child from the UK
Parental abduction (UK)
International child abduction
Transparency of family proceedings
Important emergency Links
Formal letter template complaint against solicitor
How to write a declaration of facts
preparing your bundle for court
Dr Ludwig Lowenstein P.A.S. expert in the courts
Financial remedies, (NEW)
Parents photos.
worthy causes
scott schedule
statement templates
making a contact plan agreement
oppose/revoke adoption template suggestions
useful files to be used in court
successful cases (case law)
New review on supevision orders
Notable interesting cases
The united nations tells the UK to reduce children in care
Blog posts about spirituality
Catherines personal blog
REOURCES. family court information